Monsters Among Us, and Origin Stories Drawings were produced this year during the pandemic. This work combines mixed media- torn bits of information from my silkscreen prints with analog painting interventions that blend landscape and fantasy. The Monsters Among Us series is presented on 16" x 16" panels that ultimately constitute a 16 panel grid, and the paper pieces in the 2020 Drawings series are 16" x 18" combining silkscreen, pencil and crayon.

The visual evidence of the destructive power of disease, combined with the threatening nature of our current political climate, not to mention the actual climate worries, has combined to make my work increasingly complex, so that what once was buoyant and bright has become, through layering and additional mark making, reflective or our emotional climate today.

My work and my work process is experimental in nature and these pieces are both finished as well as the potential source of future work. As my practice progresses I increasingly value the evidence of past architecture recycled, re-imagined and re-conceptualized.